शिव भक्तांसाठी खास शिवलीलामृत पठणासाठी बनवलेले app .
Shiv Leela Amrit is a prayer of Lord Shiva.
The app is a complete collection of Shiv Leela Amrit.
Shiv Leela Amrit / Shivleelaamrit consists of 14 chapters & 2453 ovis.
It is particularly popular in Maharashtra state and almost all Lord Shiva devotees read Shiv Lila Amrit on daily basis.
If you are a devotee of Lord Shiva, this app is for you.
The app not only gives the complete text of Shiv Leela Amrit, but it also guides you on how to do parayan of Shiv Leela Amrit.
History of Shiv Leela Amrti:
Shiv Lila Amrit was written by famous saint of Maharashtra Shri Shridhar Swami at Baramati in 1718.
Shridhar Swami was borm in 1658 in Solapur district. His family moved to Pandharpur when he was 20.
He spent his childhood doing Kirtanas & Pravachana.
Om Namah Shivay!
शिव भक्तांसाठी खास शिवलीलामृत पठणासाठी बनवलेले приложение.
Шив Leela Amrit молитва Господа Шивы.
Приложение представляет собой полное собрание Шив Leela Амрита.
Шив Leela Amrit / Shivleelaamrit состоит из 14 глав & 2453 OVIS.
Она особенно популярна в штате Махараштра, и почти во всех Господь Шива преданные читали Шив Lila Амрит на ежедневной основе.
Если вы являетесь преданным Господа Шивы, это приложение для вас.
Приложение не только дает полный текст Шив Leela Амрита, но он также проведет вас о том, как сделать parayan Шиванских Leela Амрита.
История Шив Leela Amrti:
Шив Lila Амрит был написан знаменитый святой Махараштра Шри Шридхар Свами на Baramati в 1718 году.
Шридхар Свами был Borm в 1658 году в районе Солапур. Его семья переехала в Pandharpur, когда ему было 20 лет.
Он провел свое детство делает киртанах & Pravachana.
Ом намах Shivay!
शिव भक्तांसाठी खास शिवलीलामृत पठणासाठी बनवलेले app .
Shiv Leela Amrit is a prayer of Lord Shiva.
The app is a complete collection of Shiv Leela Amrit.
Shiv Leela Amrit / Shivleelaamrit consists of 14 chapters & 2453 ovis.
It is particularly popular in Maharashtra state and almost all Lord Shiva devotees read Shiv Lila Amrit on daily basis.
If you are a devotee of Lord Shiva, this app is for you.
The app not only gives the complete text of Shiv Leela Amrit, but it also guides you on how to do parayan of Shiv Leela Amrit.
History of Shiv Leela Amrti:
Shiv Lila Amrit was written by famous saint of Maharashtra Shri Shridhar Swami at Baramati in 1718.
Shridhar Swami was borm in 1658 in Solapur district. His family moved to Pandharpur when he was 20.
He spent his childhood doing Kirtanas & Pravachana.
Om Namah Shivay!